Thursday, 14 February 2008

Practise day today at school

Well Liam had his first practise day at school today, it was good. He is so shy and when it came to standing infront of the class to show them his picture and story this look of fear came across on his face(I dont blame him though Im not really a fan of getting up and speaking infront of people, even if it just a class of 5,LOL)..but otherwise it was a good visit. And only a week left of kindy and then Liam be off to school, he is so ready but Im not, I will miss him so much not haivng him at home with me. Everyone's telling me that I will get over that felling pretty fast, but I dont know he's my youngest, my baby and I really enjoy him at home.

Name for the kitten, well Im not sure if we are getting less names or more names for this little one; at the moment she has the names Dora-Boots-Tiny-Mitten-Kitty-Boy, LOL.


Anonymous said...

Ohh, I can totally understand that you'll miss him! I'm sure I will feel that way when Tyler goes to school. But at least HE is ready for it, that helps so much with the transition :-)

Vicki said...

Once he gets to know the kids in the class he might not be so shy with them. Are any of them kids he has met before at Kindy?

Poor no-name puss. Could just be Hey You or It!!! LOL.

Alison said...

Yes there are already two kids from kindy at school in his class and there are another couple starting around the same time as him.

As for the kitten I think Liam has settled on the name Tiny, Steven I think will always call her boy,LOL

Trace said...

Too funny on the kitten names!!