Monday, 25 February 2008

1st Day od School

We went to
school today.
My little boy
and I.

I worried all
afraid that he
might cry.

I watched
him walk away
with pride
and I was
quite alone,

The tears I
thought would
surely be his,
are indeed my
very own!


Anonymous said...

Awww, what a sweet poem :-)

I know how you feel, it was ME who cried on Ethan's first day!

I hope (and bet!) and Liam has a wonderful day today!

Trace said...

What a cute poem - might have to add it too the kids portfolios!

Mrs Frizz said...

Love the poem ... too cute.

Anonymous said...

That is such a beautiful poem, I have tears in my eyes right now. I assume you wrote it? Would you be offended if I used it (credited of course) in a LO?