Saturday, 9 February 2008

Butterfly in the wind

A child is.......

A butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others;
but each one flies the best it can.
Why compare one against the other?

Each one is different!
Each one is special!
Each one is beautiful!

I found this poem on a website but cant remember which one it was now, but thought it was just lovely and so true. I think as parents we want our kids to do well but we forget that they are all different and special and every now and then we tend to compare them, but what a boring world this would be if we were all the same, different is good.


Anonymous said...

Neat poem ... and so very true.

Vicki said...

I'm gonna use that one. Check out because that quote would go perfect on that layout. Just copied it this morning. Talk about timing!!!

Alison said...

Yes it would go well witht hat first layout. I have used it in the altered book with the photos of Liam and the butterfly wings.

Trace said...

Very true.