Monday, 18 February 2008

Where do the days go

The days are flying by, another couple of weeks and we will be into March already. Tomorrow Liam will be 5, and he is ready for school I think. He has not wanted to go to kindy since he had his practise day at school last Thursday, and today when I said I was leaving he started to cry. So I stayed for mat time and then helped with making the new lot of play dough. Then him and a teacher went to find more information aobut peacocks on the internet and I said good-bye, I will see you soon and he started to cry again. But I dont think its that he doesnt wasn to be at kindy because he has always loved kindy, so I wonder if its more he is nervous about the whole starting school thing. Im guessing there maybe a few tears neext Monday when I dont stay with him at school.

Okay here is my layout for the Friday night challenge over at Scrapbook Essentials

Liam and Steven getting a bit more comfortable with Tiny now

Steven okay to hold her but not sure about touching her

And Wormy now with legs and minus a tail spends most of its time out of the water


Anonymous said...

I really like your take on the sketch. Your layouts are always so striking.

If I remember correctly, Ethan did that exact thing at Kindy once he had been for his first school visit. He just didn't want to be at Kindy anymore, he wanted to be at "big school". I found the last day was great, we had the birthday farewell and he gave out some toys to all the kids. But the preceding week had been hard, he was a bit tearful at times. He said he wanted to go to school NOW! I guess partly because one of his best friends started school 2 weeks before him? But anyway, there were no tears on the first day of school (well, not from him!! I cried on the way home) ... so perhaps Liam is just really keen for school and that's where his emotions are coming from? I'm sure he'll be fine!

Alison said...

I hope your right Hannah. He jsut wanted to come home today, he said to me after mat time that hes tired and needed to go home to rest,lol. So I dont know I hope he will be fine come the first day of school.

Trace said...

Love your Friday night challenge layout Alison. Sounds like it could be nerves - most of us are a bit nervous with change. But at least the week will fly past, and then the adventures of school will begin.

Vicki said...

Its come around fast hasn't it. Seems like you were just talking about it and now his birthday is nearly here.

Love the photo with Tiny (at least she now has a name. LOL) and laughed over the boys not wanting to touch her especially seeing as she's so small and scary. LOL.

Great layout as well. You have been busy.