Monday, 21 January 2008


What can I say kindy has been the best thing for both my boys. When I had Steven I always wanted to be a stay at home mum, and I couldn't understand those mum who sent their kids of to kindy, play centre or daycare. I wanted to be there 24/7 to teach all i could to him. And then along came Liam and then the diagnose of autism for Steven. I think it was about here where I thought to myself that Steven needed more than just me. He needed to learn to interact with other kids....well really he needed to learn to live in our world and not his own little world. And I dont go into his autism much online because I don't know who reads this, but kindy went up and beyond what I expected them to do for him. And it was kindy that i feel opened Steven up so much, but it wasn't easy but it was well worth all the effort. And so when it was time for Steven to leave kindy I did a handmade album for the head teacher and a star album for his ESW. And then I thought great it be so nice to have a typical child go through kindy and not have endless IP meetings. But it wasn't until Liam started kindy that we noticed how much of an affect having an older brother with autism was on Liam. And so another child with an ESW more IP meetings. Liam's biggest problem was that he would only interact with adults, and i remember for the first term he was at kindy and i would ask him who did you play with today and his reply was always the teachers. Now Liam has made a few friends at kindy, but is still very shy.....but then i think he was going to be shy anyway just like his mum,lol. And I'm very interested to see if Liam will play with Steven at school or make his own friends


Anonymous said...

I agree, Kindy is a great place! It's awesome that it has been so positive for your boys.

There is just something about Kindy that really helps with confidence and independence, and school readiness. It was a great thing for Ethan, even though he took a while to settle in, he loved it and made lots of new friends before he started school. I hope Tyler will enjoy it just as much when he starts (sometime this year).

Vicki said...

My kids all enjoyed their Playcentre/Kindy times and learnt heaps before going to school. It was certainly a great start for them. Hopefully Liam will make the transition smoothly as well. As Mums we do worry about them and more so when they face challenges that are apart from the norm. My daughter has epilepsy and its tough with her at the age she is and wanting to be independent and daring and yet worrying about whether she will have a seizure whilst doing things hence the worry about the Jamboree. Good luck to Liam at school - will look forward to hearing how he gets on.

Trace said...

I'm glad you and your boys have had such a positive experience with Kindergarten. Of course I do have rose tinted glasses when it comes to kindergarten...(especially after working for twelve years in the private sector).