Saturday, 12 January 2008

Bring on School

Okay I love having the boys at home but I can't wait for school to start again. I really do think even though Steven struggles with some areas of school he just loves that routine that school gives him-every day same thing same time. And he is doing things at home and its so hard to tell if he is just being naughty or if its just part of his lack of understanding and he doesnt really understand that he shouldnt do the things he does. At 7 years a typical child would understand and I find it so hard to know where his autism stops and him being naughty starts. And after yesterday it was such a bad day I was so glad to send the boys of to their fathers for the night. Big sigh of freedom, a chance to be normal and break away from Stevens routines. I must say most of the routines have just become a part of life, things like Steven has to leave the house first and get out of the car first, we just let that happen so he doesnt have a major tantrum, and on Sunday he has to eat breakfast using the thomas spoon the rest of the week it doesnt matter what spoon he uses. But the ones like bedtime routine is to have dinner play for a little while bath, teeth, story and then sleep. So if he has bath in middle of day he thinks he needs to go to bed after that, and it takes a bit of convincing him that its not bed time yet. And if we go to the warehosue he likes to get a new books (like what he has done his mazes in in the post before this) and he knows what book it is and if its not there then hes not happy and he wont settle for anything else, but you know these are the routines that I really need to break becasue in the big world things arent alwasy going to be right for him and he just has to learn to deal with it. And omg the stares I have got when at the warehouse and his book isnt there, Steven screaming blue murder and the looks, its good think looks cant kill. When he was younger I would run from a shop and hide pretty much the shame of everyone looking at me and my screaming child that I couldnt control, now I just ignore them, I know Im not hurting him that he is just upset that he has got what he wanted and expected to get.

Okay sorry I do go on a bit, anyway today is a new day and Im hoping to get some scrapbooking done before the boys are home this afternoon. Recharge my batteries for the next week. On a bright note Liam starts back at kindy again in 11 days, but whos counting. I must say it will be nice to spend some one on one time with Steven as I dont normally get that with him. Okay off to hang washing then get some scrapbooking done, have a great weekend everyone


Anonymous said...

I do know what you mean, Alison. My son doesn't have autism but he is definitely a "sensitive" child. I've read books on it. It's almost like a disorder. Like Steven, my son Ethan thrives on routine. He loves school, and that's one of the reasons he loves it so much. Knowing what comes next, predictable (usually), structured, no "down time" where he can get bored. I find the first week of the holidays hard, as he settles back into that holiday mode and there isn't that constant stimulation and looking for the next "thing" to do. But he tends to adjust after a few days. I do notice his behaviour gets a bit "naughty" during the holidays though. So your son is probably doing the same thing.

I really know what you mean about letting them learn the hard way sometimes, because life isn't always fair and isn't always going to follow a certain routine. That is probably a feature of autism but Ethan is most definitely inclined to get upset when things are done "differently" to normal. Again, the sensitivity coming through. And the perfectionism (he's just like me!). But I have been trying to gradually let him learn the hard way. It's not easy, but he's doing so much better now. And it's helping his confidence and ability to let things slide sometimes. It will probably be more of a battle with Steven because of the autism, but just wanted you to know that you're not alone ... I do feel a small sense of what you are dealing with, on a lesser scale.

Alison said...

YAY nice to know Im not alone.....and you know I also know that there are people out there that have it much harder than what I do, but it doesnt make dealing with it any easier. And Stevne has got heaps better but still holidays seem to be hard. And its hard on Liam cause he misses out on som much. But during term time Stevne goes to a friends house on Monday nights every week so that Liam and I get to go out and do stuff that we dont do when Steven is home. And it gives us all a break from each other, and Steven loves going to my friends house. but again he wont go during the holidays cause it start during school term and he just wont do it during the holidays. i have a few more carer support days left that I need to use so we might see if we can convince him to go over holidays. And I think we all love routine ah, so we know whats coming up, or maybe its jsut me and Steven autism is rubbing of on me,lol