Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Liams eyes

Liam had his superclinic appointment this morning to check his eye and see if he needs a new lens. And his eyes are great he is seeing a line more further down the chart than last time, so thats really good news. We were given a new script for his glasses also but were told that we dont need to get it done unless he breaks his glasses as the one he has now is okay and wont do any harm. So he has to continue with wearing his glasses till he is 9years old all the time and then his eyes should be fine that he gets to choose when he needs the glasses. So all in all it was a good visit. Liam had to have drops put into his eyes to dilate the pupils, and I just had to get a photo of Liam the possum. But silly me I forgot to take his sunglasses up with us and when we came out the sun was out and it was far too bright for him. But I had his sun hat in the car so he wore that all the way home hiding under it like in the second photo, I did feel really bad for him. Once home he asked for the curtains to be closed so its a bit like a cave here today,LOL.


Anonymous said...

Oh poor little guy I know moo had his checked to and looked like a startled possum and I have had it done to me and it is not nice! Love the pic of him in the hat tho tooo cute!!

Give him a big hug from me and tell him he was wonderful and brave - great news about his eyes too that is fantastic that they will and are getting better :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good visit ... I have never had the dilating drops put in but it doesn't sound like fun ... poor guy!

Anonymous said...

Thats good news about his eyes in terms of it not getting any worse. Not much fun with those drops though.

Trace said...

I love those photos of him - especially the middle one, very cute little grin! And while it might not have been a lot of fun, at least you don't have that weight on your shoulders, you know where your at for a while.

Anonymous said...

Having a quick catch up - some fab layouts been done!! glad to hear the great news about the eyes!! what a relief for you :O)

Anonymous said...

Awwww what a strong solider liam is and am sooo glad that his test went great!

We will def be needing to get David's eyes checked and everyone in DH's immediate family has glasses and needed them early on!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that Liam's eyes have improved. You are such a committed and loving mother and creative too...amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thats great news about Liams eyes and love the photos - so scrappable too!