Thursday, 3 April 2008

Steven and school

Had a talk with Steven's teacher this morning as he has not been bringing any homework home for over a week now. So had a good long talk with her and it seems that Steven has become very stubborn at school. He has been refusing to do any work in his exercise books and will only do drawings when giving a piece of newsprint to work on. Even when he gets his two days of teacher aide time he won't do his work. I know he can do it and it annoys me that he is so stubborn and just flat out refuses to do anything. Once he has it in his head that he is not going to do something it is very hard to make him change his mind. So his teacher is going to send some work home with him tonight for his homework if he doesn't get it done in class today. She said she hasn't done this yet because she knows I have enough to deal at home with him at the moment, which I thought was nice of her but I would like to get Steven into doing his work and so if it means a bit more after school work then that is what he will have to do. Both his teacher and I agree that he has alot of knowledge and understanding of things up there in his head its just a matter of getting him to use it and put it on paper or telling use what he knows. Another thing I noticed about Steven when we drive to school in the mornings he is a real chatter box at home and in the car but as soon as we get through those school gates he stops talking, he will only nod or shake his head or give you a smile but he wont talk.....funny I thought.

Stevens latest addiction is I Spy books. Which is great to use as a motivator for him but yesterday I went to the local library and got a couple of these books out for him and he went to bed quite late last night because he wanted to read them but I told him they will still be here in the morning and he can read them when he gets up. So today started at 4am when Steven thought it was a good idea to get up and read the I spy books. I also had Liam climb into my bed at some stage during the night and he gave me a hell of a fright when I rolled over to find him in my bed,LOL. I thought I had gotten him out of this habit of getting into my bed but I guess not. Might have to work on that although its a bit hard if he climbs into my bed and I not notice till the morning. Maybe I need to give his a reward chart for sleeping in his own bed.

A couple of layouts that I started yesterday. I really love how this one turned out the colours and the simple layout. The hearts are not stuck down yet as I quite like the raw chipboard but wonder if red would look better, so I have this layout on my desk waiting for me to decide what I think would look best. I was also going to add some journalling but again I think I prefer the layout as it is.

Okay first the l moved and I didn't notice it till after I had uploaded the photo. I love both of these photos. And when they are together it shows how much Liam really has grown during his time at kindy. I'm yet to add journalling but need more ink for the printer before I can do that. This layout is scraplift from a magazine and when I started doing it I really liked it but I not too sure now, maybe once there is some journalling on it I will like it more. The 1 and words at, and are from the grungeboard that I got the other day. I would like to get some more of this maybe some of the swirls or alphabet, but I notice SE has run out of the swirls of it already.

The finished dolls house with carpet and lino. The teachers loved it and now are thinking they will have to get some new dolls as the other ones look really old now they have a flash new house to live in,LOL. Liam asked me why we were taking own doll house back to kindy,LOL.....I told him it wasn't our doll house and that I was just making it look nicer for the kindy kids. Sorry its not a very good photo.

Right I think I need 30 minutes nap on the sofa and then get started on some baking and more scrapbooking


Anonymous said...

I hope that between you & Steven's teacher, you will be able to help & encourage him in his work. It's great that you're both working on it together.

The doll house looks wonderful, you did such a great job!

Vicki said...

With a 4am start to the day would say that you are certainly entitled to a nana nap!

Good luck with Steven and school - sounds like a lot of work for you both. Have you checked out Yvettes blog because she's got school problems as well.

Great layouts - love the grungeboard.

Trace said...

What a good relationship you have with his teacher. Good for you hitting the couch...if I did that I wouldn't get back up LOL - I'm sure cereal for dinner works with a couple of food groups...the layouts are both looking good Alison.

Anonymous said...

Its great when you feel comfortable enough to approach your childs teacher to work out solutions - good luck with that.
Doesnt that house look awesome - you must be so proud!

Anonymous said...

hey the doll house looked fab. What did the kids think of it at Kindy?? Could you use the I spoy books as an incentive to work on homework? Loved the layouts as they were.