Yay its Friday finally. The boys have gone off to their dads for the night and I had plans to scrapbook but dont know if I can be bothered now, might just blob on the sofa I think. Steven started the week at school being some what stubbonr refusing to do any work. So had talk with teacher and on Tuesday he has his work form the day that he didnt do and had to do it at home. So it was time for some tough love, we got home and Liam went into my room to watch tv(which they get to do for an hour when they get home from school) and Steven was told no tv till he did his work. Teacher said to get him to do as much as I could ge thim to do but if it was jsut the first question then thats fine. And so the battle begins with Steven not wanting to do the work his reasons being, he didnt have time to do it, he cant remember what to write and then the best for last he didnt want to do it,LOL. Nice try Steven but didnt work, so then he trying to play some games and ask if he could use the computer. Anyway after about 30 minutes of screaming going to his room slaming doors and then finally jsut coming out of his room and sitting down and doing the work it was all done. I must admit this was not fun but th result fo it was good. Wednesday after school I went and talked with his teacher again to see how his day went, she said he did all work that was asked of him and once he did some work he got to read one of the I spy books(which is one of his addictions at the moment)or he could draw a maze he got this time for bout 5 mintues then he had to move on and do enxt lot of work. So we think the having to do extra homework was not fun for him and he had finally decided to work at school. Since Wednesday he has been doing really well at school.
Liam......such a keen learner and so much easier to do homework with. His teacher is really happy with his learning and how keen he is with his spelling and maths. He had today of as he had viist to the dental nurse and had to have his mouth numbed as he had a hole, he was very brave and did so well but sadly he now has fat lip, I think he may have bitten it and now it not looking very nice but went to the chemist and got some cream to put on it.
My take on the fortnightly sketch challenge over at SE.
well it sounds like Steven realised that it would be better to do work in school than come home and have it intereupt in his after school routine. So well done on working with the teacher and doing some tough love. It can't have been easy with the door slamming and screaming but he did do it. Love your take on the sketch, I couldnt bring myself to draw circles lol, beautiful layout Alison.
Theres something to be said for tough love - good on you for sticking to your guns on this one and what a difference it made to the rest of his week!
Thats a lovely layout.
Siblings can be so different, can't they? I have to agree with Janine, you are doing well to use some tough love, as he does need to learn to do his work. He will, it will just take time.
Always so hard to take the tough love stance, so good on you for sticking to your guns. Hope you've warmed up a bit today! I read on the forum, re your hot choccie and marshmellows, must have been cold!
So glad Steven's week improved! You did a great job with him on the homework front, it obviously paid off at school.
Great job with the sketch! Beautiful.
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