Sunday, 25 January 2009

WARNING..nail less toe picture follows.....

....LOL, just thought I would give you a warning in case you have sat down to check your blog lines with nice cuppa tea and cake, cause this picture probably put you off eating anything. Anyway while away at his dads Liam's toe nail has finally come of which is great. After months of taping his toe during school time and then at night its good to finally be rid of it. The look of the toe now isn't all that nice I must say but alt least now the new nail has room to grow.

Oh would you look at this mess.....this is the state of the sleep out at the moment. Not good is it although there is a small trail through the middle so you can(believe it or not) get in there. When we moved just over 3 years ago we moved from a big 4 bedroom house, large laundry area, lounge and separate dining area, double garage and nice size section into this small 3 bedroom(well I would say more 2 bedrooms plus an office because the bathroom is bigger than Steven's room, sad ah) house with lounge/kitchen/dining area in total the size of just the lounge at the old house but this place has a sleep out. So anything that didn't fit in the house went straight to the sleep out and there are still boxes there that haven't been unpacked. So how badly do we need all this stuff if it can be in a box for years on end and I don't miss it? Well I have decided that trade me is my friend,LOL and I have managed to have a good fun at the moment with selling stuff on there. So my mission(should I accept it.....LOL) is when the boys go back to school I'm going to get down into that sleep out and get it sorted. At the moment i have a box for trade me items that are listed and a huge box that I need to sort through what I will list and what I will just give away. I have now got some draws down there and I will move all the trade me stuff into these. There are extra toys for the boys that are just too big for the house like the play shopping kitchen you can see in the photo and this will stay in sleep out as the plan is to get the place sorted and set up as extra play area for the boys. I'm guessing this will take a good couple of days but in the long run it will be well worth it and I'm sure the boys will enjoy an extra play area.


Anonymous said...

owwwwwww that toe looks sore....
as for putting all your stuff on trade me good on you... when I decluttered here I had piles of stuff to sell... I also have stuff in storage and have never needed it... so you may just inspire me to go and have a look at that stuff too

Vicki said...

Isn't trade me great - am having a bit of cleanout on it too and people are buying. Yahoo! LOL

Trace said...

So Alison, what are you going to use the sleep out for...??? Could be your new scrapbooking hangout LOL!