Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Liam told me he had made breakfast....thoughts of the kitchen being a bombsite went through my head. But what he really meant was that he got the breakfast stuff out ready for me to make the breakfast. It was very nice of him or it was his way of saying can you get out of bed I'm hungry,LOL.

And look what arrived in the post today. I decided that I would be cheaper (and easier) to get all the weeks of for the 365 project printed as photos rather than use my ink and paper. So now I have photos all ready, journalling is up to date on the computer waiting for me to get ink next week and then print them off. So once the pages arrive I will be all set to put everything into them. So tonight I sat down and corner rounded all my photos for the 365 project including the week of ones.......and I have decided there are far to many corners,LOL


Anonymous said...

gotta love the subtle hint he gave you, still quite nice he got everything out. Well done on making a plan for your pad album.

Vicki said...

Wouldn't have thought to get it all done as photos - its going to be a great record for you.

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is pretty cute - I'm thinking he was hungry, but nice that he saved you some time & effort, huh? :-)

Mrs Frizz said...

So it was obviously breakfast time in your household then!!! LOL!!!! Good thinking!!!

Great idea printing off the journalling cards like that.

Anonymous said...

cute pic at the top of your blog... and nice one of you too... as for your 365 project you are over taking me now!!!! I am behind from my holiday so better get straight into it!!!!! well done