Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Its been awhile since my last post

Okay I know it has been while since I have been in here to update my blog, but hey I'm here now. Well the week seems so long and with having little sleep it doesn't help. Liam has a new soft toy (which he is sleeping with in the following photo) and it has a small rattle bell thing in it. I don't know what it is with him but this week he has been sleeping on the floor and then its only a matter of seconds after I turn all the lights out and get into bed myself that I hear this little rattle coming and climbing into my bed, little rascal.

One of my layouts I did that had to be scrapbook related for a challenge over at SE the other weekend

My layout for the latest fortnightly challenge sketch over at SE

Hope everyone had a great mothers is our mothers day pizza that the boys help me make.

Here is my first of four layouts for SE book of me challenges for this month. I really liked how this one turned out, now I have to find motivation to get the next 3finished.


Anonymous said...

Oh beautiful!!! All of it beautiful and you know I love that LO! I love the pic and the heart shaped pizza and I know I am old but I adore Cars and had to go and buy moo some of my fav characters.

Do you think Liam might be cold and that is why he is snuggling with you, moo has just figured out that once he wakes in the morning he can hop in bed with me for a cuddle and I LOVE it, but at night i think it might wear a little thin.....

Be patient, enjoy the cuddles as I am sure it wont last forever, just hold him a little bit tighter and savour the moment while you still can (I am learning they grow up far to fast)xox

Anonymous said...

Great layouts Alison and I love the heart-shaped pizza!!

Mrs Frizz said...

The photo of your wee man asleep is priceless ... look forward to seeing it on a l/o.

A heart pizza, I've seen it all now - how cute.

You have been scrapping up a storm and I love the layout on your gran's advice.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of Liam asleep on the floor with his toy - so cute. Aaron went for a long time making his bed on the floor and sleeping in it. This is a kid who can sleep anywhere! LOL

We had homemade pizza on Mothers Day as well but didn't have the heart shape.

Trace said...

I'm with the girls on the heart shaped pizza - what a cool idea. And I love the layout - of course I would, it's a circle LOL!