Saturday, 15 March 2008


School assembly yesterday and Liam got a certificate for merit for being a clever counting mathematician - to 100!, his teacher said he also can recognise number up to 1000. He was so funny he's a bit like his mum and goes shy when standing up in front of people and I don't think he really wanted to be up there, but he got up and held his certificate up along with the other kids who got them. Well done Liam, I'm so proud of you.

I really don't know whats up with him and his grin, might have to work on a better one I think,LOL

And just for a change another circle layout,LOL. This is Steven with his certificate he got end of last year, I'm only now finally getting around to scrap booking it.


Vicki said...

Definitely well done Liam. Congratulations. You must be stoked. Love the grin too!

Great layouts.

Julie said...

Yay Liam, wow all the way to 100, thats so cool!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is quite an achievement! Well done, Liam! He does look proud, and so he should be :)