Thursday, 20 March 2008

We have got the kindy's doll house at home at the moment. They have asked me if I would like to give it new life for them...and I have lots of little ideas and its fun being a new project since i think I have done as much scrapbooking in the last 3 weeks as i have in the last 3months,LOL. The boys think its great as they both loved the doll house during their time at kindy. But Steven found the furniture to be the best bit, but he not play with it in the house. he has been sitting for nearly an hour now just stacking it then breaking it and stacking it again.

Liam didnt go to school today, his first day off. He has vomitting bug, hoping its only a 24hour thing and he is at the tail end of it now. He had big sleep today and went to sleep pretty fast tonight. Hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow. Well I havent done any scrapbooking for a few days since now I have the doll house as new project. Anyway thats all form me just a small catch up...might have some doll house pictures over the next few days. hope everyone has a great easter weekend


Trace said...

That should be fun Alison - and keep you out of mischief LOL! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Angela said...

Hope you are feeling better Alison, read that you have caught the bug. Take it easy, everything will still be there when you feel up to it.

Julie said...

Happy easter Alison, hope your having fun with that dollshouse.