Monday, 3 March 2008

Never ending sorting stuff out

Spend a bit of time sorting my scrapbooking area out again, I was running out of room to scrapbook,LOL. So I sorted things out a bit, put things away where they belong and names some of the draws so things can be found easy for me and for a friend who comes and scrapbooks here on the odd Friday night. With all the cleaning I found a few projects that I have started but not finished yet. Some only have a little bit more to be done on them and then they will be finished. So I have to finish the Basicgrey lunch pail tin, the chipboard coaster books that I started one of Steven which is nearly finished only a few more pages and then I need to get started on the square one I have for Liam. A couple of photos of my neice Lucy that Im doing layouts for mum and my brother and the small albums for the boys that I have a few pages to catch up on

I did this layout last nigth. I have been on the SE website looking at their old challenges adn doing them just for more differnet ways to get some photos done and out of the way.


Anonymous said...

Ironically I spent last night doing the same thing, sorting, and discovering several small projects that need finishing.... hmmm

Love the layout.

Anonymous said...

Good on you for sorting and tidying ... we can't have you running out of room to scrapbook!! Yikes! ;-)

The layout is great, and I think it's a good idea to go back and do some of the old challenges ... there have been some awesome ones in the past.

Kate, Dave and the kiddlets said...

Eeek I have a basic grey lunch pail to finish too! Thanks for reminding me =)

Trace said...

Now I love that circle layout, but then I would wouldn't I LOL!! Your tin and pages look awewsome Alison. Doesn't it feel great to have a bit of a sort out.

Julie said...

I seem to have to have that tidy on the odd occasion as well - no space or you cant find something you are sure you have - lol
Great layout :o)