Thursday, 27 March 2008

The house has a room, you just have to imagine it has some lovely carpet down. im hoping ot get this hosue done by Friday night so that this weekend I can get back into doing some scrapbooking. There are a couple of challenges over at SE that I didnt get done in time but I still want to get them done and a couple more BOM pages to get done. And then I have 4 'thinking of you' cards to make as well. Monday Im going into town with a friend and we are going to choose some carpet for the doll house. Then on Tuesday or maybe even Monday afternoon I will take the doll house back to kindy for them. I stopped of there today to get some more bits for the hosue and they were saying they are going to have it as a surprise for the kids and hide it and see if they can guess what it is. I said they wont recongise it as their doll house cause its so different now but hopefully they will lvoe it and play with it alot more. Im also attempting to make some pillows and blankets for the bed and sofa.


Anonymous said...

The doll house looks fantastic! Good on your for taking on the job of tidying it up. It's going to look so good when it's all finished and I bet the kids will love it!

Anonymous said...

How bright and cheerful - perfect for children - they are going to love this!!

Anonymous said...

very cute, you certainly have a lot of patience for this. Can't wait to see ya carpet ;-)