Thursday, 6 March 2008

I know its the same layout,LOL...I did really enjoy doing the circle layout. This one is for Liam's kindy teacher to do journalling on. When Steven left I did a layout for his teachers to journal so I thought I should do the same for Liam, better late than never ah.

Liam has been so into spelling words out in the bathroom with the foam bath letters we have in there, and interested in what words he has learnt at school already so I found these word magnetics for him and stuck them onto the fridge. He has really enjoyed them and makes sentences and put the words he knows on one side and ones he doesnt on the other side. Its so good to see him so keen to learn and just showing an interest in school.


Anonymous said...

That's a neat idea to do a layout for his teacher and leave the journalling space. I'm sure she will appreciate it.

How wonderful that Liam is loving words so much! A great start!

Vicki said...

What a great idea with the layout.

Trace said...

Circle layouts rock! Wonderful news that Liam has found something that he loves, and of course is learning so much.

Julie said...

I love the idea of doing a layout for the teacher to comment on - awesome momento!