Thursday, 23 October 2008

This is from Hannah's blog

Where is your cell phone? On the dining room table

Where is your significant other? Waiting for me to find, no significant other at the moment

Your hair color? boring brown

Your mother? I appreciate and love very much

Your father? Great fun loving family man

Your favorite thing? lots of favorite things but i guess sleep-ins would be near the top of the list

Your dream last night? dream who has time to dream, my head hits the pillow and I'm out like a light till the boys wake up

Your dream/goal? to continue to live a life filled with happiness, creating endless memories for and with my family

The room you’re in? The lounge

Your hobby? Scrapbooking

Your fear? That something bad will happen to my boys

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Same place i am now but older

Where were you last night? home

What you’re not? I'm not messy

One of your wish-list items?A new camera

Where you grew up? Tuakau and Port Waikato

The last thing you did? Rearrange my bedroom to fit in scrapbooking counter/desk unit(fingers cross that it fits in the space i have made)

What are you wearing? Jeans, t-shirt and long sleeve top.

Your TV? is behind me on tv2 waiting for house of tiny tearaways to come on

Your pet? Had two cats summer and sass before i had kids but re homed them when we were expecting Steven. Then had kitten Tiny for Liam but sadly she had to be re homed as well because Steven just couldn't cope with her, frog called wormy

Your computer? Is in pieces at my brothers house till he can get a new motherboard for it

Your mood? Very tired at the moment, 4am wake ups for months on end is not good

Missing someone? Family and friends i don't see often

Your car? Nissan Pulsar and gets me from A to B and back again

Something you’re not wearing? Slippers...which means the days are getting warmer cause i get cold feet and wear slippers for over half the year.

Favorite store? I actually really like the warehouse at the moment they have everything there and great prices

Your summer? looking forward to some sun and warmer days

Love someone? Family and friends

Your favorite color? red

When is the last time you laughed? today

Last time you cried? yesterday when watching tiny house of tearaways, which has a special needs child on there at the moment and the mothers words of how he child is little now and people will accept her but as she gets older her behaviour will not be accepted as much, and how she didn't wish this life for her child....hit home a bit for me

As Hannah wrote... Passing this on...

To ALL the blogs I read - I wouldn’t read them if I didn’t love them!


Vicki said...

I watch Tiny Tearaways too - its very good and that lady is very onto the kids and the parents. Haven't seen this weeks though. Sorry to hear about Tiny - didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

Oh Alison - hope those 4am wakeups don't last forever. glad to hear you've managed to fit your new desk into your bedroom without having to sacrifice your bed!!

Trace said...

So what is it with us scrapbookers that so far we're all not into messy and drive Nissans LOL. Lack of sleep is such a hard thing, you can see why they used it as a form of torture in the war. Alison it was lovely finding out more about you, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

gosh 4am wake ups..... you are a trouper!!!!!!!
great to read all about you right now

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on the 4am waking up - I reckon I could get spies to crack by giving them kids to look after for 24 hours :)

Yay for your baby bro that is so cool!! and YAY for walking home to that is awesome esp when the weather is beautiful :)
