Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Whoo hoot Wednesday

haven't done this for awhile so here is my list for this week
*The start of term 4.....YAY.

*Steven being extra happy this afternoon after school. he cam racing up to me with a certificate for taking part in the Dog "Do's" and "Don'ts" programme. Last year he didn't go anywhere near the dogs having a huge fear of them(or any animal that moves for that matter, he can get just as upset by a fly in his room as he can a dog...I believe its because he has no control over then and doesn't know what they are going to do next as with any living animal and he hates to not know whats going to happen next) anyway he was so happy and read out what was written on the certificate and showed mew the little booklet they good about the do's and don'ts of dogs...Well Done Steven.

*I have been getting back into scrapbooking and enjoying it again.

*Gotta be happy with this lovely weather we have been having and being able to put washing on the line instead of the airing rack.

*Steven might not be need to see his speech language therapist much longer, she sees him at school and I'm told is quite impressed with how well he is doing.

*Walking to school to save on the gas, and I have been enjoying the walks, this morning the kids pretty much ran to school, I don't know where they get all of their energy from.

*Sorting out Liam and his swimming problems at school. School start swimming this term and Liam is very stressed about it and has huge fear about getting in the pool. So have arrange for me to be there and get in the pool with him but if he not keen to get it then that is fine and I have been told they wont push him to get in, but he is still to get changed into his togs with the rest of the class which I'm happy for him to do so that when he is ready to get in he will be all set. Also will get a school pool key over the Xmas holidays and go up there everyday or second day and get him into the pool a bit.


Anonymous said...

what a great list.... love the running to school part.... yeah where do they get their energy from????

Trace said...

Oh yeah, to have half their energy! Great news about the speech therapy and good on Steven with his dog do's and don't certificate. Yep, this weather is just perfect, not too hot but lovely and sunny.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really positive start to the new term.Yay for you!

Anonymous said...

Great list there. Steven congrats on overcoming your fear and your certificate. Well done on the strategies for Liam's swimming classes as well, thats awesome that you all know what you need to do and clear on what will happen.

Anonymous said...

Now thats a great start to the term for Steven and all the best with the swimming for Liam. Thats a great idea getting the pool keys and hopefully give him lots of confidence in the water in his own time.

Anonymous said...

Well done to Steven!! That's awesome :-)

Sounds like you've got a good plan in place to deal with the swimming issues Liam has. I'm sure you being there will help him transition to doing it on his own. But brrr, it seems a wee bit too cold for swimming though! I'm not sure sure when they start at Ethan's school, but I would certainly not be wanting to hop into a pool (or the sea) just yet :-)