Tuesday, 11 November 2008


I's been about 3 weeks since my computer decided to die...lucky it was just the motherboard that was fried and not the hard drive. I was stressing there for a bit that i had lost 3years worth of photos that have not been saved to disk.......but they were okay and i have got some Cd's to back them up and will get more tomorrow so over the next few days i will be busy sorting photos onto CD. My brother gave me the use of his computer over that time while mine was getting sorted and then he came in yesterday and got mine up and running for me. So here I am...i do have a few photos to share but want to get photos and journalling for some layouts i have done finished. I have been reading every ones blogs but while on my brothers computer it wouldn't let me post comments for some reason.

Anyway enjoying today's lovely weather and was up nice and early this morning and managed to get a couple loads of washing done through the dishes into dishwasher and got them done(didn't do them last night cause i had INTERNET lol which i have not had computer or Internet since last Thursday...yes the Internet is an addiction just like scrapbooking).

Liam got sent home about 5 worksheets of maths to do for home work over this week....he only has to do one pages per night, but once he started he didn't want to stop, he really enjoys his maths. He surprised me a bit with how well he can do it and alot of the problems he just writes the answer down no problem at all. So he ended up doing nearly 3 pages of the 5 last night....and then you have Steven who would never do more homework than he needs too,LOL. Steven is back to bringing his school work home to do as he is refusing to do it at school. Its just story writing which he hates doing. Mondays they have to write about what they did in the weekend...I personally think for Steven he hates doing story writing because he knows what he did in the weekend so why would he need to write about it. And he sits there and he says i don't know what to write and you give him ideas and he says he not want to write that. And then when he does write something he makes the sentence as short as he can. One sentence was 'I got a Ben 10 book'. I said to him to write i got a Ben 10 book because.....(he got it for doing good homework last week), he replies with i already know that. So i have tried to explain to him that who ever is reading his story doesn't know that and you need to write it down so they know why you got that book. He can be so frustrating because I know he can do it he has written a whole page about his weekend before, hes just soooooo stubborn sometimes and flat out refuses to do the work. But then i think how frustrating our world must seem to him and he does do his best and he is doing well in all other areas at school so that's great.

Not sure if there are any fans of the programme House of Tiny Tearaways out there but i really enjoy this programme as Tanya has some really good ideas on it. This week there is a autistic boy on it with a younger brother and I'm hoping it might have some good ideas. With Steven most games/toys are played with in a totally different way that they are meant to be used, and so Steven will often want to line things up or play his rules and then you have Liam who wants to play with cars and crash them not just line them up and then you have two boys angry at each other cause they both have different ideas about hoe to play with things. The family in the house this week seem to have the same problem so hopefully there will be some good ideas today. More often than not i will say to Liam just let Steven do it the way he wants, but that's hardly fair on Liam is it?

Anyway off to do some more scrapbooking, hope everyone has the lovely warm sunny weather like we have here today.


Anonymous said...

Yep, we have the lovely warm sunny weather up here too!
Glad that you've got your computer back and that your brother was able to salvage your photos.
It sounds like Liam is a bit of a math whiz! WTG!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Alison and I think maybe you need to make your photos a priority and get them onto disks! LOL. We are having a beautiful day here today - fingers crossed that it stays like that.

Good for Liam on doing his maths - Aaron has all but given up on his homework this term. I think he is over primary school and just can't be bothered as theres so much else going on.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!
Have to agree with Vicki on the homework front ... I think it's a bit of a boy thing to not want to explain and go over stuff that's self explanatory ... in their eyes anyway! example. Mitchell bought home a booklet that he and 5others had been working on, and as part of it they each had to write a blurb about themselves ... well, the three girls wrote a whole page explaining this and that; and the boys all just wrote a couple of sentences!!

Anonymous said...

welcome back to blogland...I was having a wee giggle at Heidi's comment above, it does seem us girls like detail where as boys seem to be mre direct when they write. Hope the programme is able to give you some useful tips.

Trace said...

Good to have you back. What about uploading some or all of your photos to something online like Flicka or similar, as well as your discs. That way if anything were ever to happen to your discs you've got them online.

Anonymous said...

Wahooooooo cool as to have you back and I am soooooooo glad you didnt lost any photos that would have been awful..........

I totally get where Steven is coming from an I hated writing stories to - stupid idea why write them when I can read them ?

Nah I didnt know about tiny teraways about it sounds good and I hope there are some tips for you and for what is it worth I reckon you do a super job - YES YOU!!


PS YAYAYAYA YOU ARE BACK - I missed you heaps !!!!!!!!