Tuesday, 8 July 2008

More Autism Awareness

I got the first draft copy of my article for the paper tonight, so I will go through that tomorrow and then send it off again. At the moment its over a thousand words so needs to be shortened, but she is also interested in sending the full length article to a magazine, if I was keen. So once its published I will post a copy here for you to read. And I guess the more people see and read about autism the more awareness of it there will be. I would also like to say thank you for all the comment in my last autism awareness post. So on that note I have posted a picture of a flyer from my autism support group, our next meeting we have Jen Birch coming along to share her story with us, she has Asperger Syndrome and is author of 'Congratulations! It's Asperger Syndrome". If anyone is local and interested in coming along let me know as number are limited, but I thought I would post here and if you know anyone who may be interested then you could let them know, but if you are keen you need to let me know by the 15th of July.

A big thank you for these lovely RAK's from a couple of online friends and bloggers. These lovely snowman stamps from Trace...watch this spot for the making of snowmen cards for Xmas this year...and these papers from Janine(aka Angelgurl) from a RAK from her blog. So a big thank you to you tow ladies, and I will be sure to post photos of my creations with these lovely bits.

On Sunday night while watching The Lion Man the boys were on the sofa and Steven had been wiggling his bottom tooth pretty much all day and then said 'look it just popped out' and there he was with his tooth in his hand. He was very excited and started jumping around saying Im going to get $2 from the tooth fairy,LOL. Lucky the tooth fairy actually had some change in her wallet..I must say she was a bit worried there for a moment.

So i have been doing a bit more sorting with my scrapbooking stuff and when I sorted the shelving out found these container so thought they would be perfect for my grungeboard letters and numbers, the bigger ones are put together in one of the plastic draws.

It was a lovely day today and warmer outside than it was inside, so Liam and i got outside and mowed lawns, did some weeding and washed the car since it was well over due for a wash, even though I'm sure the neighbours cat will have left more dirty foot prints on it again by tomorrow morning.

And a layout that I got done today, very simple but its another layout for Stevens album.

And here is my last weeks Friday night challenge for over at Stampin' Scrap. The word search idea came for the Mays Creating Keepsakes magazine. Took awhile to get the word search typed up but i love the affect of it and i have printed off a few extras because if Steven gets his hands on this layout with no one looking I'm sure he is going to get a open and start searching for some more words,LOL.


Anonymous said...

wow you really did have great weather yesterday, we did until about lunchtime. Now here is a link you may be interested in, you can create your own wordfinds, you type in the words you want the person to find and then it fills in the letters around it and you can print it off. More or less it
does all the work for you in about five minutes. I used it heaps when I was a brownie leader.


Phew at the tooth fairy being around ;-). Good luck with editingthat article.

Trace said...

Great layouts Alison, and with this coolish weather the snowmen stamps seem very appropriate LOL! I've been to Jen's talk twice, very interesting, and you certainly see Aspergers at work in her mannerisms - eg it was four o'clock and she looked at her watch mid sentence and said 'it's four o'clock so I'm finished now'. Have you read her book? That's very insightful in regards to her life, and there are some interesting points about Aspergers.

Anonymous said...

Great news about your article, I look forward to reading it when it's published.

The layouts are very cool, I like the idea of using the word search in the last one!

Anonymous said...

great layout..... love the wordfind idea and I might also steal Janine's link too... as for the article well done for getting it to the next stage.... and as for the tooth fairy we talked about it yesterday at conference... some cultures say it is a rat that comes to get it... ooooohhhhh I'll stick with a fairy....