Friday, 11 September 2009

look who visited us today

I was out hanging washing and then saw these guys walking across the front lawn....sooooo cute, by the time i had told Liam and got my camera(for today's photos in my 365 album) they were at the back of the house trying to find away under the fence. Liam thought it was very cool to see a mother duck and her babies up close.

Liam is on the mend again and feeling much better although come late afternoon he tends to loss most of his energy but much better so that's great. Tonight the boys as normal went of to bed and read for 30 minutes, when I went in to tuck Liam in and say good night this is what I cute and still very very tired at night.


mummymoo said...

Glad to hear Liam in on the mend again, I dont get photos - sorry something weird must be happening to my computer but you are so lucky to see a mummy duck and ducklings they are SOOOO cute !!


Hannah said...

Very cute!! :-)
I'm glad that Liam is starting to feel better. All that sleep must be helping, hey? ;-)

Debbie said...

Awesome pics and so glad that Liam starting to feel lots better!