Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Being sick is no fun

Last week I had Liam home most of the week sick with tonsillitis, took him to the doctors on Wednesday which is $25 for him now that he is over the age of 6yrs(personally I think its a rip off) got his meds went home. Went to school and while waiting for Steven realised the was a rash all over Liam's feet and legs(not the best photo below but this rash went right up to his knees), went back to doctors and sure enough he had reacted to his meds, got new meds for him and hes all good to go.

Come Thursday afternoon I had a bit of a sore throat and was a bit tired and thought I was getting tonsillitis too, didn't think much of it again and had early night. Woke up about midnight or just after with a very sore achy body and thought poor Liam if this is what hes been feeling like. A friend took the boys to school for me on Friday morning I made an appointment for doctors(I don't usually go unless I'm really, really sick). The thought of having the flu or anything like that didn't even cross my mind I just needed to get some meds so I could feel better as it was my weekend to have the boys and knew I would be no good to them feeling like this. Waiting at the doctors and you know how you never get in on the time that you appointment is, after bout 10 minutes of waiting i went up to the front desk to ask if there was somewhere I could lie down as i feel like I'm going to faint............oops too late fainted already. Nurse helped me to bed and took my temp and asked how i was feeling. Doctor came in and checked me over and said you have swine flu. To be completely honest I didn't think anything of it I just wanted something to stop the pain, every part of me ached and my skin was sore to touch. So after that visit with the doctors costing $35, pain killers $6 and tamiflu $75....I was feeling some what broke after two visits to the doctors for Liam and myself in one week. So a friend came and picked me up and then had the boys after school for the night till Saturday afternoon. Mum came in on Saturday and stayed the night, the boys have been at their dads since Saturday afternoon and will be there for the rest of the week. He has the week of work so he can look after the boys for me, Steven now has sore throat and may be getting tonsillitis, Liam is back at school today. The school have said it is okay for the boys to be at school as long as they have no symptoms. Yesterday was my first day without painkillers and today is the last day of the tamiflu tablets. All in all I'm feeling human again and I'm alot better but I think it will take the rest of the week for me to get my energy back and I'm just taking things easy. Yesterday I thought I could do little bits on some scrapbooking projects I have lying around, in between my naps.

Today i just have sore legs and am tired. I would love to clean my house as the floors are screaming to be vacuumed/moped, bathroom needs to be cleaned, beds need the sheets changed and washing to be done....but it will all be there tomorrow right. I'm to stay away from crowds for 7 days from first symptoms or 24hrs after having no symptoms, so I should be good to get out of this place come Thursday. I'm a home person and love to be at home but I have seen enough of home at the moment and I miss the routines of going up to school and taking with the boys teachers to see who they are doing, seeing friends and just getting out of the house. I am very grateful for the great family and friends I have who have been around to help out and look after the boys for me....right of to do a bit more scrapbooking and then sleep I think, i will be back again soon.


Hannah said...

OMG, you really have had an awful week! I'm sorry to hear that you had swine flu. It doesn't sound like much at all. I hope you start to feel better and free from pain soon, and I'm glad you've had support and help from family & friends. Sending lots of get well wishes your way ... and hope the boys are both 100% again too.

Trace said...

Crikey Alison that's a heap to take in...hope you are all on the mend as soon as can be. Take care my friend.