Friday, 1 August 2008

Bits and pieces

What a busy week it has been.....first with all this wet weather school was closed on Wednesday due to flooding....boys thought it was great and any other day i would have too but it was the day of our autism meeting and we had Jen Birch coming in to speck and I was really looking forward to that. But after talking to mum she offered to come in and look after the boys for me, so YAY thank you very much mum for that. The autism meeting had a great turn out and it was really interesting listening to get the point of view from someone living with ASD them self. As a parent of an autistic child i find some days a lot more challenging than others...but imagine being that child, having to try and fit in to be 'normal'-whatever normal is....the amount of pressure put onto that child to fit into a world that they cant understand. Anyway it was great meeting and a big thank you to Mark and Shelley for all the work/time they put into getting everything organised for this day to run smoothly.

I have done a little bit of scrapbooking but not a great deal. This layout was done for a grils night in challenge over at Stampin Scrap....simple but love the end result.

I have lots of catching up to do which i plan to do tomrrow after a good nights sleep tonight. Also some scrapbooking to be done as well....have to keep up to date and get these things done straight away instead of delaying so what better day to start than tmorrow when Ihave a nice and quite house...hopefully the rain will have eased of a bit by then...but im guessing it will still be here tomorrow.


Trace said...

Isn't that just Murphy's Law!

Anonymous said...

gosh it was bad up your way wasn't it? Good that your mum could step in and look after the boys so you could attend the meeting. Go you for getting that newspaper article scrapped sof ast.

Anonymous said...

We have sunshine already here and can see the washing machine being used a bit today. Thats a great layout to record your article. Well done.

I hear you too on keeping up with the scrappy challenges and not leaving it to the last minute.

Anonymous said...

Glad you were still able to get to the autism meeting, sounds like it was totally worth. Love your layout and how you've scrapped the article :-)

Anonymous said...

Great layout - I love the simplicity of it too.
So agree about keeping up with scrapping challenges and other things too really ... if you put the aside, they just never seem to get done...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ali-girl! Wasn't it great, thanks for being there it made a difference as always! And what a beautiful little donation box (well round thing) - thank you!