Friday, 17 April 2009

Time for an update.......

dont know where to start its been so long since I have up dated my blog. I have been busy rearranging the hosue and have moved everyones bedrooms around to a different room. Steven is at the age where I thought he really needed more space and room to play, his old room(which is now my room) could fit his bed and set of draws and that was pretty much it fits a queen size bed and tv at the foot of the bed and nothing else,LOL.....also Steven never had toys in his room and hasnt done since he was about 4years old. Since he has moved rooms and is now on the other side of the house(which is sunny in the afternoon so his room is alot warmer inthe evenings) which is Liams old room and I tell you I wish i moved him into this room years ago because he is now sleeping through the night(most nights anyway and its longer than his old usual 11pm-3am). So YAY for a good nights sleep. This photo is Steven and Piggy who goes everywhere with him, I have banned him from the toliet and bath, but other than that if you see steven piggy wont be far away.

Love this photo of Liam, the boys love to have a nice deep bubble bath and we had run out of bubbles and i always forgot to get them when i did the shopping. When I didnt remember Liam had soooooo much fun with them but was a bit surprised when i came into bathroom to get photo of his silly antics,LOL. A 21st photo for sure.

Look what I treated myself too, a friend does Stampin' Up and when I saw this i had to have it(as you do). the next punch i want to get is called Spiral which is one that i ahve been after for awhile that give you a note book spiral edge look, but for now im happy playing aorund wiht this one.

The last week of school was camp week. This year the years 1-4 went to Hamilton Zoo for their day trip. I was hoping to go but didnt in the end(but thats a whole other post) the boys enjoyed themself although a bit let down i wasnt going. The girl I look after in the mornings, her mum went and kept me up to date with txts about the boys for me(I know im mad worry wart mother) she txt when they were leaving Hamilton and told me that Liam had fallen over and grazed his knees but he was fine....poor wee man when i saw him he looked so sad and sore with plasters on his knees and his shorts rolled up so they didnt rub on the plasters and he was walking like an old grandad anyone would have thought he twisted his ankle or something. Once home I managed to convince him to take the palsters of so the air could get onto the sore and they can start to heal...i have been nice and not shown the photo of the raw knees.

ONe of Stevens favourite books....Steven doesnt like photos at the moment and runs and hids so this is the best I can get of him at the moment and while you cant see his face I think its nice photo showing what he enjoys doing, and best of all hes not a running away blurr,LOL.

I havent been very creative lately but here is one layout i did the other night which i quite like. i showed it to liam to see what he thinks and he told me it doesnt look finished but couldnt give any ideas of how to finish it...what sort of scrapbooker is he,LOL. Have a few more layouts but its too late to get photos of them tonight.

A random but favourite photo at the moment.

Lots more has been happening but nothing that I really want to blog about. Totally enjoying the holidays and the boys being at home and most mornings they climb into my bed and have lie in and watch Ben 10 on my bedroom tv and then we get up and start our day....we will all go into shock when school starts again. But also looking forward to school for Steven to get back into routine...he says he misses school because he likes to work and hates the holidays and yet when he is at school he pretty much refuses to do work. And then Liam says he loves the holidays and doesnt want to go back to school because he hates to work and yet he does very well at school, i just want a bit of normal in my life(whatever normal is) but we are getting there, baby steps im told but then how long can we take baby steps for? Somewhere along the journey the steps have to get bigger and more effort and achievement have to be done? Right im not going to go into this Im going to finish of here with happy note that I have two nights without the kids this weekend so im off to get some sleep and then a day of creating tomorrow I think. Have a great weekend.

PS...its midnight and blogger spell check isnt working and Im lazy and cant be bothered going throught to spell check so sorry for all the mistakes that im sure there will be.


Vicki said...

Its too a big post to worry about spell check. LOL. Nice to hear from you and wow to Steven having some great sleeps. Bet you are all benefiting from that. Have a great weekend.

Trace said...

Glad to hear with his new room that sleepings improving - sleep deprivation is never to be underestimated - they didn't use it as a form of torture for nothing lol! Here's hoping those baby steps keep taking you in the direction you want them to.

Hannah said...

Great to hear that Steven is happier and sleeping better simply by rearranging some bedrooms. I'm sure it will benefit everybody :-)

Hope you have a great weekend!

Mrs Frizz said...

Baby steps are good !!!

Awesome to hear that one young man is sleeping for longer periods ... that's more than a wee baby step.

Hope you find time to be a little creative.

topkatnz said...

Nice to see you blogging Alison. A good nights sleep is invaluable!Wahoo! ... the room swap sounds excellent and long overdue ... my question is where are you scrapping now?