Saturday, 16 January 2010

Liams visit to hospital

Warning this is very long post...again for my record of journalling for future pages.

The night before Liams op I thought it would take awhile for him to go to sleep as all day he had been asking me lots of questions about it. But he didnt fuss much at all when it came to bed time and went to sleep lying across his bed with Blue Piggy close by.

We had a early start with Liam not being allowed to eat after 7am, so i set 3 alarm clocks, one for 6am, 6.10 and 6.15am(yip you did read that right 3 one in Liams room and the one in mine and the one on my mobile phone in my room) jsut to make sure there was at least one that woke me up. As it turned out I didnt need any of them as I didnt have a very good night sleep and was awake on and off from 2am and by 5.30 i was wide awake so got up turned the computer on and did some interneting for a little bit before Liam woke up at 5.52am. Since we were up early I thought I would get a photo of the sun rise, it was a very bright yellow, although it doesnt show very well up on this photo...but proof that I can get up before the sun if i have to,lol.

Stevne went down to his dads at about 8.30 as Liam was getting hungry(already)and Stevne was wanting to eat, so we took him down there so that I could get liam to focus on somethign other than his hungry tummy. Before going to the hospital we went over to the warehouse to buy the dvd Up for the boys and get some up& go drinks for liam for after the op. Mum took us up to the hospital and we got there with lots of time to spare. Waited in the car for about 15 mintues before going up....LIam asked all his questions over while we waited. It didnt take to long from when we arrived in the waiting room till Liams name was called out by the nurse. We went into a small room of the next waiting area. The nurse checked that all the details were correct, weight Liam and then gave him some pamol. Put on his name bracelet and also an extra red one to say he is allergic to Augmentin.

Got him a gown to put on and then put cream to numb his skin with plaster over the top of it.

Then we had to wait for the anaesthetist and doctor to come and talk about the operationa nd what was going to happen. Between the nurse doing her bits and pieces and talking to the doctor Liam had me worried for a while. ONce the nurse had put the cream on he went very quiet, Im sure it was just his nerves getting the better of him but he curled up into me and almost went to sleep. He started to get the shakes in his hands and started to sweat, I said to mum he looks like how i feel jsut before im going to faint. We were told we could move out into the waitnig area so Liam could play with the toys, but he honestly wasnt in the mood for it and was still very cuddly with me. After about 15 mintues the anaesthetist and doctor talked with us and then another nurse came in and check Liams details once more before taking us to the operating theatre. By this stage Liam was chatty again and talking away to everyone. He was very brave and doing so well when we walked into the operation theatre, I was a little nervous when walking into a room with about 6 people in there. They were all very friendly and said hello to Liam. We lifted him up onto the bed and put the blanket onto him and then it was explained to him about the mask to help him go to sleep and he was fine with it all. I took his glasses off and they put the mask onto his face, he took one breath and then he started to scream. Right up to this point I had told myself I would not cry, well that jsut went out the window and he was not keen for this mask business at all. So they asked if it was okay with me for them to jsut hold it on and get it over with, to which i agreed to. I can tell you now its hard to see this happening and when he was looking up at me with those tears in his eyes I pretty much got tears in my eyes as well. I was told that this is for his own good and it needs to be done with having so much tonsillitis in such a short time and that once he woke up he wont remember this happening, and I know they are right I have told myself this over and over but it still hard to see your own child in that state. Once he was asleep I gave him a kiss and told him I loved him and got shown back to the waiting room. It was about an hour before a nurse came out and called me in, mum was able to come in also and wait in a different part of the recovery area. He was so anrgy looking when i saw him and in alot of pain. They had given him quite a bit of different pain relief and asked if I was happy for him to have morphine as he was still in a lot of pain. He does in and out of sleep while watching inspector gaget on a portable dvd player. After about half an hour he asked if he could have some food and then burst into tears. So off down to the wards we went so he could have an iceblock and some jelly. We were now here for 4 hours but with kidzone on the tv Liam was more than happy to lie in bed sipping away at his water. Mum went down tot he chemist and got liam lot of meds for him before it closed. At about 6pm the doctor came in and told us that the operation was straight forward, that Liam had small tonsils but they were very scared for his age. 6.30pm and we could go home, gave him some pamol before we left and then headed home.

Plaster where the lure was in

Once home Liam had his next lot of pain meds at 10.30pm then I headed of to bed with Liam in my bed so I could keep and eye on him we both slept very well but didnt wake at 2.30am wehn he needed more meds, so by 7.30 when we did wake he was quite sore. I felt quite bad about it but gave him meds and the difflam spray which helped alot. That morning he had a 2hr sleep on my bed.

I drew up a timetable so I knew which meds I was giving him and at what time. For the next couple of days it was meds every 4 hours and spray every couple of hours or when needed. This photo is Liam who fell asleep on his bed after not taking his meds and he was in pain I could tell but he wouldnt take it and went to sleep like this after crying...I just let him sleep for a couple of hours and then woke him at 9.30pm. He asked for the spray as well so he was hurting bad by this stage, I set alarm to make sure I woke in 4 hours.

Saturday night was Liams first night of no pain meds after 7.30pm which was great and we both had a very good sleep.

He has had a couple lots of meds today but not much and is starting to eat a bit more and drink lots more as well. I think his jaw is giving him more grief than his throat at the moment but we were told that was to be expected, but he is on the mend and is dealing with it alot better than I thought he would. Steven is a bit out of sorts with Liam having to keep quite for a few weeks and Steven missing his trampoline buddy but slowly accepting thats jsut the way things are at the moment. So now we look forward to a year with a healthier Liam.

Will be getting photos developed tomorrow to get a mini album made so watch this space. Also I will be back soon with a gerneal post about whats been happening around here, with photos of my project life kit some photos of my Daily December album and photos of 365 project that I did last year.

PS. Spell check isnt working and because its late im sure there is more than one mistake, I will come back tomorrow to see if i can get spell check to sorry for all the mistakes


Trace said...

How heart wrenching for you Alison, like you say it's all for the right reasons and here's hoping to a much better year health wise for your wee man.

mandyb said...

full on post...good idea to blog it so you have all the journalling ready to did well mama bear!!!

Hannah said...

It is SO hard when they fight the gas, and that's the only reason I didn't cry with Tyler's recent operation ... he didn't fight it, unlike his previous 2 surgeries. But like you say, it is for their own good and they don't remember it. Great to hear that Liam is recovering well and now eating and drinking more. I'm sure 2010 will be a great year for him with no more episodes of tonsillitis = all worth it!

Nicki said...

How hard that would have been. You did a good job and once all this is over he will feel so much better!

Mrs Frizz said...

It definitely has to be one of the most gut wrenching times in a Mother's life - having to watch their child scared and then in pain like that ... been there, done that ... and I still remember it all quite vividly.

But now ... onwards and upwards.