Sunday, 27 December 2009

Thought I would fit one more post in before we get to the end of 2009. It has been a busy few weeks. In my last post Liam was going to get his tonsils out within the month but on week four we got a letter saying it would be up to 3months before he gets them out. I was less than impressed about it and to top it off that same day he came home from school with a temp of 38. I got to school a bit earlier than normal and the teacher told me he had said he wasn't feeling very well. So i gave him some pamol and kept an eye on his temp, it did come down a bit but it wasn't until 7ish that night that he told me he had a sore throat. Sure enough he had a red throat but not too bad. During the night his temp got up to 38.4 so i got out cold cloths to cool him down and gave him pamol every 4hours. First thing the next morning made appointment with doctors as his throat was looking alot worse. The thing that annoyed me most about all of it was that he was on antibiotics and still got tonsillitis, makes you wonder what good the antibiotics are doing. Took the letter with me to ask if there was anything that could be done to speed things up as this endless tonsillitis isn't going away in any hurry. Doctor just gave 3months worth of antibiotics and said at least when he gets his op its done at a private hospital. So more antibiotics and pamol and off home we went, Liam had the rest of the week off school and we were backa t the doctors the next day as he was still get high temps and his throat was looking worse. Saw a different doctor this time who is really good she gave him a 10 day course of penicillin and sent another referral asking for Liam to be seen sooner rather than later. 21st December I get call form the hospital asking if Liam can make it on the 13th of January...YAY. Yes we will be there, it was so good to finally get a date. Liam of course and totally understandable is nervous and has lots of questions. I too am nervous but know its for the best to make him health. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the going to sleep bit. I have done this many of time with Steven when he has had to have CT scan, dental work done and have had to hold him down while they put the gas mask on him to make him sleep, and every time I have cried, more so the first time as they never told me he would fight it. I'm hoping Liam wont fight it. Mum is taking us up so that i can be in the back with Liam for the trip home, Steven will spend the day with his dad. We will have an early start as it is an afternoon appointment and Liam is not allowed to eat after 7am. So we will get up early and have breakfast and then Steven will go down to his dads so that he can eat and drink without Liam wanting to. I will fast with Liam and then we will head off to be at the hospital at 12.30.

With he good news of Liam's op happening in 2010 I also have some great news for myself and think 2010 is going to be a good year. I had a phone call for the local kindy that both boys went to, asking if i was keen on some work there. Of course I said yes and on the 22nd December I had interview with a couple of ladies so fingers crossed all went well and next year I will have some part time work as an ESW(Educational Support Worker). Both my boys had a ESW work with them while they were at kindy. Steven had one pretty much his whole time at kindy. Liam started kindy without one but after a couple of terms and not much interaction with anyone other than the teachers and any parent help adults, we pushed for a few hours for Liam to help him socialise with the kids. A few months after he moved to morning kindy he didn't need his ESW. Im very excited and hope it all goes well and that I can give back what my boys ESW gave to them. It will be different to be on the working side of it all rather than the parent but I'm up for the challenge. The best thing about this job it that its all within school hours and term time which is perfect.

Right if you still here and haven't been scared away by all the writing I have a few Xmas to share with you.
Santa has visited and the boys were up nice and early to see what he left

I love this photo of Steven clowning around trying to avoid getting his photo taken, he has such an amazing smile, hes so gorgeous.

After lunch, presents and then pudding the water slide was pulled out for the kids and there were all out there for some time and had so much fun. Does Liam look alot like Steven without his glasses on.

Its not often these days that either of the boys go to sleep in the car, I think if we had another 10minutes drive Steven would have been asleep too. But for Liam it was to much effort to not go to sleep.

PLease excuse any mistakes this was posted at 12.40am


Anonymous said...

Lots of good things to come for you in 2010 by the sound of it. Good to hear you have a date for Liam - I wouldn't have been happy with another 3 months of antibiotics either. Good luck for the job - hope you get it.

harbourgal said...

Alison, I'm so glad that you have a date for Liam's operation. I am positive that it's going to make such a difference to your lives. Wishing you all the best for the new job and 2010 - it all sounds really exciting!

Louise Williams said...

looks like a great Christmas and yay for finally getting a date!! Good luck with the job too! :)

Hannah said...

It really is great that you have a date for the op, and that it will be done soon. I can wholeheartedly recommend getting some books from the library for Liam to read about going to hospital, I'm positive they made a huge difference for Tyler. He didn't fight the gas this time (unlike the previous 2 times) and that's the ONLY reason I didn't cry. I think because he knew what to expect, he wasn't scared. If your local library doesn't have any, they will be able to interloan some. There is one called "Hospital" which tells the stories of several kids all going in for different things (tonsils, grommets, broken leg, etc).

Great news about the job in 2010, I think it sounds fabulous!