Sunday, 28 February 2010

Must catch up

I have so many things I want to blog about but whenever I come to sit and blog I just cant be bothered. I still haven't posted photos of my 365project finished from last year, or my Daily December album I did for the first time last year. Also this year I have started project life but this year I'm more relaxed about it and if i don't get a photo then no stressing about it. Liam has his 7th birthday last week, my baby is 7 I really don't know where the time/years have gone he is growing too fast. Also this year a change for all of us is that I have started work, its not a full on 8 hours per day job and i guess you can call it full time part time work. Its within school hours and school terms other than one week at the end of term 4 and a week at the start of term 1, but what more could I ask for. I must say I take my hat of to those mums who work a full day 5 days a week and then come home and be a mum as well. Right off to enjoy this lovely summers day and get some washing on the line and spray some weeds, the boys are out enjoying jumping on the tramp while its still shaded from the sun. I will be back again this week with catch ups


Vicki said...

Your job sounds perfect - what great hours. I don't stress about the photo a day thing for Project Life either but its amazing how often I think about it though. Hope Liam had a great birthday.

Mrs Frizz said...

don't forget to allow for some 'me' time ... very important!