Sunday, 7 December 2008

Its been awhile.....

......since my last post and its now 11.25pm Sunday night and I cant sleep so here I am blogging listening to music on you tube. Okay this may turn into a really long boring post so feel free to stop reading now and just look at the photos instead, have been warned. Things are so busy and rushed at the moment and yet some things seem to stand still with no change to them at all. I want to move forwards with my life and stop reliving the past and yet there are so many things that remind me of the last year. There were so many things that have happend many I dont often talk about some i dont want to talk about.I have had many weeks now with broken sleep(and yes i know the obys are both sleeping and i should be making the most of it, but its too hot and i have so much going on in my head at the moment)and i think if you lack sleep everything else seems to suffer. Steven has had a few bad days at school where he has been up at 2.30am and not gone back to sleep then tried to get out of going to school becasue he is tired. The teacher had noticed that he shakes his head alot more some days than others(Steven slowly shakes head as if saying no when he is tired or stressed..its like a stress reflief for him or stimming as its called)but most days he seems to cope with being up early a full on day at school and then going to sleep late. I guess it will all catch up with him at some stage.

A few weeks ago Liam got this cerficate in school assembly and hes so funny because the first time he got one he didnt waant to get up infront of the whole school but now he pretty mych runs up to get it and holds it up and then gives me the thumbs up and big smile. He also got antoher one last Friday for having water courage.....YAY for Liam. He is doing so well at school and im very proud of both him and Steven. So I hace been going up to school with Liam during his class swimming time and the water is so lovely, ashame they only have 20 minutes in the water I could stayin there all day which is saying something because Im not much of a water person.

Here is the finshed survival kit for Stevens teacher. I really do love how it looks and almost dont want to give it away. I showed Stevens old ESW(Educational Support Worker) the kit and she asked if Steven would like to go back to kindy for a term so that when he leaves I can make her one,LOL. But I thought what i might do is make her one next year as she is now our carer support person and Steven goes to her house every monday for the night after school.

One of the things on the teachers survival kit list was 'A girft- to remind you that your students are a gift to you and you are a gift to them' this is her gift that I have made. Just a fold out Kaisercraft album for her to remember Steven and the great year he had in her class.

So I went up to school and got a class photo and one of just Steven and his teacher and told her I need them for his school scrapbook album...and I have put them into this album to give to her in a weeks time. Also a week ago she showed me some wriiting Steven had done ast school when they were asked to write aobut their year at school he wrote the following (I tired to scan when he had written but blogger wouldnt let me up load it so i will jsut retype it as he has written it)...'In room 6 I like computer time, battleship, easy homework and numbers up. I love Mrs Carpenter because I like you. I get better at writing and handwriting. I play outside is tag with Evan.'
Again I just love that first he is expressing his feelings/emotions about and to someone, and it was funny she was telling me when he handed his book in he asked her not to read it till he was outside playing and i swear when she showed it to me i had tears in my eyes it was just he sweetest thing he has written. And I love Stevens honesty....Im am very sure he goes to school knowing he will get his computer time once he does his school work, he will only willingly do homework if it is easy, if there is any chance he feels he may get the work wrong then we have a fight on our hands with that homework. Numbers up is a computer game that he loves and gets to play when he gets his school work done. He has gotten so much better with his writing, he still struggles but at the start of the year he was hardly writing a sentence that made sense, but now on good days he will write a whole page and it makes sense too. His hand writing has also improved so much in the last 6 months..he is doing so welll and im somewhat scared of what next year will bring. I feel we will be back at square one if he has a different teacher. I will be finding out this week who his teacher is so I have time to say yes I think they will be fine or no way.....LOL i have become very good at voicing my opinion when it comes to Steven and the school and even Liam with the swimming.

Look what new brand the warehouse have got...and these stamp packs were only $5 each which I thought was a great price for clear stamps. The border set were from spotlight and I thought I could use them a bit on cards. The warehouse is getting in some really good scrapbooking stuff now.

A few weeks ago when shopping with mum and my sister tanya this little guy came home with me...I thought he was so cute and just had to bring him home to add to my growing collection of snowmen.

And here are just a few snowmen...I counted 62 here and there are a few more in the main xmas tree as well.....snowmen are my Christmas addiction,LOL.

The boys and I made these little gift bags for their friends. At first Steven said he doesnt have any friends(which made me sad) but then he was trying to write down the whole class so i told him he could have ten giftbags to give to his friends. So off he went with his list of names and cards and started writing. i really thoguht he would have given up after a couple of cards but he kept going and even put his teachers name down on the list. And he was so funny when he handed them out, his teacher had the class sit in a circle and he sat on chair next to her in fornt of the class. She asked him why he was giving something out to everyone and Steven replied with 'I have no idea'(and just imagine him with his hands up in the air when he said this,LOL) his teacher and I just started laughing it was so funny. And so he called out his friends names and they came adn got the bags and he said merry christmas to each of his friends and then he got to his teachers one and let out a little giggle and said there even one for you,LOL..........I tell you this boy makes me laugh so much. He is such a happy carefree child and does amazingly well with all the struggles he has to deal with in every day life.

I have been doing a little bit of creating and finsihed of my advent tree, not sure that I 100% like the brightness of the red numbers and may change them for next year but for now they will do.

PS when reading this remember that it was late at night so im sorry for the mistakes, blogger spell check sint working and im too lazy to go through and proof read.....I hope it all makes sense....nite nite of to be now to see if I can sleep.


Roo said...

Hope you managed to get some sleep chick. Love the survival kit gift - awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a long post!
The teacher gifts look great, you've done a wonderful job with them. Oh, and those stamps are very cool aren't they? I bought one of every pack when I spotted them at our Warehouse a few weeks ago ... then went back and got more for Mum's Christmas present! LOL :-)

I hope you are able to get some good sleep soon. You're right, when sleep is lacking everything else seems so much harder. Maybe try burning some essential oils like lavender before bed, they can be helpful to induce sleep.

Vicki said...

Jeepers you were right about the long post and no I didn't just skip to the photos. LOL. Love what you have written about your boys - they sound like they have both had a really good year at school and hopefully next year will be just as good but like you said it does depend on the teacher - always a nerve racking time to see who they get. You sure have been busy creating - looking real good.

Anonymous said...

Love the survival kit, album and little gift bags! I totally agree with you about the lack of sleep making everything else hard! I read all your post and aren't blogs a great way to release exactly what you are thinking and feeling! Big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Love your teachers survival kit. They boys are both doing very well at school. Yep sleep deprivation is a form of torture ... hope you can catch-up a bit soon.

Anonymous said...

wow what a post.... as a teacher can I say that I am SO SO touched on behalf of all your children's teachers,,,, those goodies are SO SO lovely and special- and they are very honoured to teach both of your children and to get these gifts.....
as for those snowmen cute... and love that countdown tree.....

Anonymous said...

you have been very creative. love the gifts you made the teachers, they will love them. What a cool snowman collection you have. Mrs F is a snowman collector too. Hope you managed to get some sleep.

Trace said...

I too hope you managed to get some sleep Alison, life really does suck when your tired and things which you'd normally cope with seem much worse. Glad to hear you get Monday nights respite care, with someone you trust and like. LOL on her wanting to send him back to kindy for the pressie! Love what you created for his teacher. And way to go Liam on the certificate.

Mrs Frizz said...

DH tells me when I can't sleep I should be doing some housework ... hello ... NOT!!! blogging sounds like a far better option.

Although I hope that the lack of sleeping, is a short term thing.

Look at your collection of snowmen ... gorgeous ... woo hoo!!!

Special wee gift bags ...